News !!
Hi girls! Its time to announce the Winners of are April Challenge.
Our Design Team have to choose the most 6 wonderful pages and the Winner !!!!!!!!
Was a very hard decision we have 50 wonderful projects and only 1 for the 1st place!
Yes!!! 50 beautiful entriesssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!I can believed!
We saw so many gorgeus this time in scrapforhelp!!!!
Thanks for everyone that participate this challenge!!
In portuguese
Meninas queremos anunciar a vencedora do mês de abril.
Escolhemos 6 trabalhos que se destacaram entre os 50 projetos apresentados....
Nossa a disputa foi super concorrida, um primeiro lugar e mais 6 vencedoras como seus trabalhos em destaque.
Criamos um selinho para as vencedoras e para as que tiveram destaques em seus projetos.
E aí vai a lista das vencedoras.
Without further delay let's announce who YOU chose as the first placed winner out of 50 entries!!!
HUGE congratulations go to.......
Paula Castels from Brazil
You really did a wonderful and amazing job in scrapforhelp, you should be so proud.
Thanks again for enjoy are challenge!!!!!
Please contact Cyndi at cynthia.renaud@gmail.como claim your prize.
CONGRATULATIONS again and thanks for playing with us!!!!...
Here is a badge for you to display on your blog.
TOP 5 Featured Projects
(in Winning Order)
Marilyn Rivera from Puerto Rico
Jona Panesa from Philippines
Leila Casemira from Brazil
Stephanie Schütze from Switzerland
Lizzy Hill from Australia
So many a gorgeous mix of styles ladies!!!!
Girls, congratulations on being featured here today and here is your badge to display on your blog.
Thanks to participate with us !!!!
Please contact Cyndi at cynthia.renaud@gmail.como claim your prize.
Thanks for everyone who participate in our Challenge !!
Meninas muito obrigada por participarem de nosso blog isso nos faz muito feliz!
Thanks for all sponsor to help us to gige same wonderful prizes to are winners!!!!!