News !!
Hi girls! Its time to announce the winners of November challenge.
This is the first time that our Design Team have to choose the most 5 wonderful pages .
Was a very hard decision and we have 16 wonderful projects for the 1st place!
We saw so many beautiful entries this time in scrapforhelp!!!! Thanks for everyone wo participate this challenge!!
In portuguese
Was a very hard decision and we have 16 wonderful projects for the 1st place!
We saw so many beautiful entries this time in scrapforhelp!!!! Thanks for everyone wo participate this challenge!!
In portuguese
Meninas este mês nós resolvemos fazer diferente em nosso blog.
Escolhemos 6 trabalhos que se destacaram entre os 16 projetos apresentados....
Nossa a disputa foi super concorrida, nós tivemos este mês apenas 1 vencedora em primeiro lugar e mais 5 vencedoras como seus trabalhos em destaque.
Criamos um selinho para as vencedoras e para as que tiveram destaques em seus projetos.
E aí vai a lista das vencedoras.
E criamos os selinhos para as que foram destaques com seus projetos.
E as ganhadoras são:
Without further delay let's announce who YOU chose as the first placed winner out of 16 entries .
HUGE congratulations go to..
Jean Green from United Kindon
Jean Green, you really did a wonderful and amazing job in scrapforhelp, you should be so proud.
The colours you have used was so nice and we love that photo.
Please contact Cyndi at cynthia.renaud@gmail.como claim your prize.
CONGRATULATIONS again and thanks for playing with us!!!!...
Here is a badge for you to display on your blog.
TOP 5 featured projects
(in winning order)
Marcela Valadares from BrazilMilagros Rivera from Puerto Rico
Jacirascrap from Brazil

Marcia Rio Branco from Brazil

Denise Price from Brazil

So many a gorgeous mix of styles ladies!!!!
Girls, congratulations on being featured here today and here is your badge to display on your blog.
Thanks to participate with us !!!!
Thanks for everyone who participate in our Challenge !!
14 comentários:
Congrats to Jean for being this month's winner and to the featured girls, your work was wonderful also.
Parabéns meninas!!!
Os trabalhos estão maravilhosos, foi muito dofícl escolher!!!
Muito obrigada, gracias mil!!!
Congratulations to everyone!!! Such gorgeous entries!!!
Obrigada por escolherem meu trabalho como top 5!!!
Congrats to all winners... especially to Milagros from Puerto Rico.
Congratulations to Jean, Marcela, Milagros, Jacirascrap, and Marcia!!!
Thank you so much for featuring my ornaments. When I posted them, I thought, "Oh, they are so small and simple, nobody will care about them." But, to my surprise, my ornament post has become the most-viewed post on my blog. And now my ornaments are featured here on Scrap for Help--what an honor! Thanks again.
Parabens de NOVO para as mesmas ganhadoras!!!!!
Bom Natal pra voces!
Congrats girls your work is stunning!
Obrigada a todas, é a maior alegria participar dos desafios daqui.
Grande beijo!
Muito obrigada por escolherem meu projeto,fiquei muito feliz.
Felicidades Milly por ese trabajo tan bello, y por ser la ganadora!!!!
I'm so sorry that I'm so late replying to this post. Thank you so much everyone for choosing my LO here for the first prize.
Congratulations to all the other winners too. I love doing you challenges here on SFH and hope to do many more in 2012. Thank you all. xx
Gente que ações maravilhosas...parabé também acredito e passo o conceito de scrap "educacional, terapêutico e solidário" às minhas amigas, alunas e tenho alguns projetos após concluir a facu de artes...desejo um 2012 recheado de boas ações e de surpresas criativas e lindas que vocês realizam aqui.....beijo, Déia.
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